Hire World Class
Engineers. {Super Fast}
G2i is the video based platform for hiring contract or full time engineers. 7-day free trial.

You choose the engineers location, price range, seniority, and exact skill set and we’ll build our sourcing process around your needs.
You’ll only be matched with engineers that have strong hiring signal; they meet 80% or more of your specific hiring requirements.
Start with our pool of 8,000+ engineers, product managers, and product designers for immediate matches. We’ll start an external search if there are no perfect matches.

We train our engineers how to effectively use AI based tooling to code faster and better each month. From working with an AI based IDE to the newest LLM’s.
Engineers that show proficiency with AI based coding tools will display with an AI certified badge on their G2i profile. You’ll know exactly who is up to date.
AI tooling costs can add up quickly. We provide our engineers discounts for various tools from AI based IDE’s to courses focused on AI engineering.

We increase hiring signal by providing technical interviews upfront, so as soon as you review them, you can schedule instantly.

We’ve already pre negotiated with the developer on hourly contract rates and annual salary ranges so we can match you with developers that fit your price range.

Our AI platform helps us get into the right ballpark and our experienced technical team makes the final decisions.

Hiring more than 25 engineers per year? Your engineering leadership will be able to pick and choose which tech assessment modules we use for your candidates.

International Payments
Errors and Omissions Insurance
7-Day Free Trial
Laptop Logistics
Background Checks

With the right level of talent, OneChild was able to reduce their junior offshore development team of twelve to a single senior engineer.
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Two React Native engineers and ten weeks later Lattice was able to ship their first mobile app before hiring full time engineers.
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