You know the saying - 10,000 hours is the key to true mastery. Well, Armands Malejevs is living proof. He’s clocked over 10,000 hours working with clients at G2i such as You.i TV (acquired by WarnerMedia) and Ellation (now Crunchyroll) , and his story is seriously inspiring.
Transforming Java legacy projects for Docker is not just about navigating technical intricacies; it's an opportunity to rethink and streamline your development process. Embracing Docker can revolutionize how legacy systems are deployed and managed, offering substantial benefits that make the effort worthwhile.
Mentorship is a game-changer for growth, learning, and self-improvement. Last month, the G2i Community brought together industry experts and over 200 eager registrants to tackle the nuances of mentoring software engineers remotely. Hosted by Michelle Bakels, G2i’s Program Director for Developer Health, the session was a deep dive into building relationships, active listening, and accountability, among others.
In a world where virtual meetings outnumber coffee breaks and Slack notifications compete with office banter, mastering the art of remote team management has become the new edge for modern engineering leaders.
At G2i, mentorship is not just a concept; it's a journey of growth, learning, and connection. Latisha McNeel, a senior software engineer, stands out in this landscape as a mentor whose passion and commitment have left indelible marks on many.
For software developers, growth and success extends beyond coding proficiency. It's about cultivating a deep understanding of your craft, navigating career challenges, and finding the support and guidance needed to thrive. Finding a mentor can be a crucial step in that journey, one that many G2i developers have embarked on through the community's mentorship program.
João Barbosa and Rafael Lebre had not crossed paths until they joined G2i. Based in Brazil, they were both looking for interesting projects with international companies while maintaining a remote workstyle.
"I fancied myself a bit of a nerd growing up," Patrick quips, recounting his journey from tinkering with computers to building his first website at the tender age of ten. With the eager curiosity of a child combined with the precision of a budding engineer, he plunged headfirst into the world of technology, learning, exploring, and creating.
ReactJS library is one of the most popular solutions to build great web applications, but it’s not the only one. There are libraries similar to each other in terms of problems they are trying to solve and there are libraries trying to solve a specific problem. After reading this article you’ll get a better understanding of ReactJS and how to answer interview questions properly.
What is React portal? From the definition in the React docs, portals provide a first-class way to render children into a DOM node that exists outside the DOM hierarchy of the parent component. Before we try to understand why we need React portal, let us review how React renders a component.
What did you miss at the first-ever React Miami? Specialists in Web3 took the stage to divulge information about this growing technology.
What did you miss at the first-ever React Miami? Level up your design, branding, and marketing prowess with these talks from React Miami speakers.
Most React developers might have seen this error before. Although the error doesn't make it very clear what mistake was made, it states a clear rule: You can't use JavaScript Objects as a child in React.
Although React and React Native share the same core principles, what’s behind them couldn’t be more different. Before we get into React vs. React Native let's take a look at how and why we ended up with React in the first place.
By following along this blog post, you will learn how to build a social media type application with TypeScript, Expo and particularly the Expo Router package. We will be starting from a boilerplate provided by expo as a quick starting point before going on to introduce Expo Router’s file based routing. Then we will look into adding a nested tab navigator and finally see how this package automatically enables deeplinking to all routes.
Today I’ll share a little bit of the knowledge I gained through one of Innovative Research Technologies' projects and teach you to get up and running with this toolset.
What’s the most elegant way to manage configuration in a React Native app? Well, there may be many legit approaches but here’s one I like.
As explained on part one of this post "The Current State of Debugging on React Native - Part One: EXPO", Turbo Modules changed expectations on how we can debug the running JavaScript code, disallowing the ability to debug remotely, it now requires the debug instance to connect to the JavaScript running on device.
Turbo modules broke remote debugging for React Native on all JavaScript. Until now you might have not been impacted by this if you don't use a native module that leverages Turbo Module's JSI features like react-native-reanimated. Moving forward with the new Fabric architecture everyone will be impacted.
Although React and React Native share the same core principles, what’s behind them couldn’t be more different. Before we get into React vs. React Native let's take a look at how and why we ended up with React in the first place.
JavaScript on the server-side (or outside of the browser) has opened a wide range of applications for the language. And that’s one of the reasons it is one of the most popular right now.
A couple of months ago, I was hunting for a new job. I found myself going through lots of interviews and stressing a lot over preparing for them.
Stop wondering what it takes to be effective at remote work and find out with these tips and tricks from the pros at G2i.
Answer front-end technical interviews with confidence. Here's how to help frontend / react engineers prepare with mock interviews.
João Barbosa and Rafael Lebre had not crossed paths until they joined G2i. Based in Brazil, they were both looking for interesting projects with international companies while maintaining a remote workstyle.
Alem Tuzlak's story is not just about a boy from Bosnia who loved video games; it’s about a relentless drive, a pursuit of excellence in the tech world, and the audacity to carve his own path when faced with adversity.
Every startup founder begins with a dream, a vision that propels them forward. For Patrick Cason, the dream was to take part in redefining fintech and empowering everyday Americans with innovative financial solutions. Like many others, Patrick harbored ambitions fueled by passion and grit. "Being a founder," he mused, "is a roller coaster of emotions, from the exhilarating highs of ideation to the crushing lows of execution."
ReactJS library is one of the most popular solutions to build great web applications, but it’s not the only one. There are libraries similar to each other in terms of problems they are trying to solve and there are libraries trying to solve a specific problem. After reading this article you’ll get a better understanding of ReactJS and how to answer interview questions properly.
I’ve seen many bad interviews. Sometimes, only a few questions are bad, but usually it goes further than that. Bizarre questions, like “what’s the difference between a number and an array,” are just a symptom of deeper issues.
This blog post will help you understand front end interviews and provide a sampling of common questions, as well as correct answers.
Hiring is risky, so obviously we can’t pick a developer at random. You have to talk to them and test their knowledge to mitigate the risk of hiring someone that isn’t a good fit for the position.
A couple of months ago, I was hunting for a new job. I found myself going through lots of interviews and stressing a lot over preparing for them.
Programming is part art and part science. How does story telling with your code fit into this dichotomy?
Over the years, we’ve evaluated thousands of React Native developers, carefully honing our interview skills and constantly improving our vetting process by asking the right questions.
Harry Gandhi has talked to hundreds of founders and served as an advisor to countless company leaders since 2017. He’s worked with two VC firms and is adviser in residence at the 1517 Fund. Through these roles, and his own personal experiences with burnout, Harry’s developed a unique perspective on the challenges founders and developers face in the workplace.
The first step is acknowledging that you won’t ever be able to know everything. So set your sights a little lower and focus on knowing just enough to be dangerous. That is, you should be able to hold a conversation about a new technology, and more importantly, identify when it may be appropriate to start learning more about it in earnest.
Even if they are well-compensated and are working a manageable amount of hours, a lack of recognition and appreciation can still leave a developer feeling unmotivated and exhausted.
Guillermo Rauch clearly knows how to build a successful startup, founding Vercel in 2015 and building it into a frontend developer platform that raised $150M in a funding round last year that saw its valuation double to $2.5 billion. He shares how he got there in a conversation with G2i’s Michelle Bakels and Gabe Greenberg.
Adrian could feel his throat tightening on the subway ride home from work. Earlier that day, he had started visibly shaking when a coworker tried to talk to him. In the moment, he tried to apologize for all the things his coworker couldn’t have known. That he had grown up with cerebellar ataxia.
The top athletes in the world understand that their health impacts their performance, and are willing to spend lavishly on their wellbeing to reach peak results. Why don’t we?
Looking back on her experience with burnout, Mari-Megan wishes someone had shaken her and told her to snap out of it—yet she also recognizes that, like so much in life, we have to come to meaningful realizations on our own.
Becky has always been able to use exercise to unwind and clear her mind. Yet for a long time at the height of her burnout, the software engineer couldn’t relax at all.