Smooth Sailing: Migrating Legacy Java Projects to Docker

Smooth Sailing: Migrating Legacy Java Projects to Docker

Transforming Java legacy projects for Docker is not just about navigating technical intricacies; it's an opportunity to rethink and streamline your development process. Embracing Docker can revolutionize how legacy systems are deployed and managed, offering substantial benefits that make the effort worthwhile.

Smooth Sailing: Migrating Legacy Java Projects to Docker

While this transition requires thoughtful consideration and a solid strategy, the journey to Docker integration can be smoother than one might expect. Despite encountering Docker's unique quirks, a strategic, well-organized approach not only mitigates potential obstacles but also opens the door to enhanced efficiency and scalability.

Streamlining Legacy Java Projects with Docker Containerization

Moving large Java legacy projects into Docker not only streamlines development, support, testing, deployment, and management but also simplifies the overall technological process. For Java projects, the transition to Docker encapsulates both ease and efficiency, ensuring the effort invested yields immediate benefits.

The cornerstone of containerization lies in its unification power. It transforms legacy projects into modern, manageable entities, thereby enhancing their appeal to potential contributors and simplifying maintenance and expansion.

Containerization shines in deployment versatility, allowing an application, regardless of its specific dependencies, to be seamlessly launched across various environments. This eradication of the "dependency snowball effect" signifies Docker's capability to encapsulate and standardize the application setup.

Moreover, Docker democratizes the development process by maintaining consistency across local, testing, and production stages, ensuring a unified operation across all phases.

Notably, containerization facilitates application updates and scaling, bypassing the traditional complexities and risks associated with significant modifications. This adaptability extends to resource efficiency, where Docker's lightweight nature offers substantial cost savings over traditional virtualization approaches.

By leveraging orchestration tools like Kubernetes, applications can achieve unprecedented scalability and resilience, further underscoring the strategic advantages of containerization in contemporary software development.

Deciding If Containerization Fits Your Project

Of course, weighing all pros and cons is essential. Deciding whether to containerize a specific project requires a comprehensive analysis of the system's current state, business objectives, and technical and operational requirements. Often, projects start their migration to Docker simply because it's somewhat "trendy."

Let’s explore the main factors to consider:

Current Issues and Limitations

  • Deployment Challenges. If the deployment process is cumbersome, error-prone, or excessively time-consuming, containerization can offer more efficient and reliable solutions.
  • Environment Inconsistency. Discrepancies between development, testing, and production environments underscore the need for containerization to achieve consistency.
  • Scalability and Resource Management. Difficulties with scaling and inefficient resource management can be addressed through containerization.

Business Goals and Requirements

  • Consider containerization for projects aimed at rapid growth or in need of flexible scaling.
  • Projects seeking to optimize CI/CD processes will also benefit from switching to Docker.

Technical Requirements and Architecture

  • Transitioning from virtual machines to Docker is typically smooth and simplifies the deployment strategy.
  • If a hosting change is forthcoming, containerization presents an optimal solution.

Project Specifics

  • For projects already utilizing or planning to switch to a microservices architecture, containerization is the ideal choice. This combination allows achieving high degrees of isolation and simplifies managing complex dependencies.
  • Projects with high demands for availability and security will find that containers, combined with orchestration tools, offer effective solutions for these challenges.

Are There Alternatives to Docker?

Docker can be likened to the Apple of the containerization world. It’s a convenient and "trendy" tool that is valued for its ease of use and intuitiveness. Developers have essentially "gotten hooked" on Docker, and it has become the de-facto standard in the world of containerization, although there are other tools and technologies available that are more cost-effective.

Essentially, Docker, like all similar tools, offers merely a user-friendly way to manage what is already built into Linux, namely LXC (Linux Containers). This means you can utilize utilities built into the OS, working with containers directly through the capabilities of the Linux kernel. This approach offers greater flexibility but requires more in-depth knowledge and effort to manage. Additionally, there are several tools similar to Docker, such as Podman. Podman is an open-source tool for working with container images. It provides a command-line utility with commands similar to Docker's, however, it doesn't require an additional service to operate and can function without root privileges.

Nonetheless, as we've already mentioned, Docker currently stands as the standard, and working with it is presently the preferred approach.

Containerization Process

Converting a Java application to Docker might seem simpler than expected, thanks to the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) workings. The primary task of "running the application in a container" doesn't necessitate significant modifications to the application itself because the JVM provides an abstraction from the physical or virtual machine it runs on. This is akin to moving the application to another physical server until there's a need to redesign the application to leverage container infrastructure benefits such as scalability.

Key Steps to Run a Java Application in Docker

  • Update Logging Configuration. Ensure application logs are directed to system.out, making them accessible via Docker tools.
  • Set Up Environment Variables. Confirm the application can accept settings through environment variables, allowing easy configuration changes when launching the container.
  • Prepare the Base Image. The container should start with a base image of the operating system compatible with what's used on your server. Most Java applications will work with standard Linux distributions. It's crucial to install Java and the application server in the image, along with the necessary configuration files.
  • Launch the Container with Environment Variables. When starting the container, pass the environment variables previously specified in property files or Tomcat context variables.

Nuances and Challenges in Containerization

Managing Multiple Instances and Session State

When transitioning an application from running as a single instance to requiring multiple instances in a Docker environment, developers and administrators may encounter several challenges. One significant issue arises when session states are stored locally within each instance. This local storage approach can lead to errors and data inconsistencies, as subsequent user requests might be processed by a different instance lacking access to the initial session state.

To mitigate these challenges, applications should be designed for statelessness or employ libraries such as Spring Session for managing session states across instances.

Statelessness implies that each application request is processed independently, without assumptions about previous user actions or requests. This concept is particularly critical in container deployments, where applications can be scaled horizontally by adding more instances (containers), allowing any available instance to handle user requests. If an application retains state between requests, it could result in data inconsistencies and handling issues, given that a subsequent request might be processed by a different instance without access to the stored state from a previous request.

For applications that inherently require state due to business logic or functional requirements, utilizing specific libraries to maintain state or sessions can provide a solution. Spring Session, for example, enables centralized session state management, sharing it across all application instances. It achieves this by persisting session data in an external storage solution accessible by all application instances. Developers can easily configure Spring Session to work with various storage options such as Redis, JDBC, and Hazelcast, ensuring a unified session management mechanism across the application.

Updates and Compatibility of Infrastructure Components During Legacy System Migration to Containerized Environments

The journey to containerization extends beyond merely transferring an existing application into a container. It often necessitates updating critical infrastructure components, such as application servers or JDK versions. It's crucial to meticulously analyze and apply configuration changes to ensure compatibility between old and new server versions.

This process involves a thorough examination of both the current infrastructure setup and the desired state post-migration. When updating, for instance, the JDK version, one must consider not just the immediate compatibility with the containerized environment but also the broader impact on the application's functionality and performance. Similarly, application servers might require configuration tweaks or even a version upgrade to operate efficiently within containers.

Ensuring smooth transition, developers and system administrators should:

  • Review and Update Dependencies: Assess all application dependencies, including libraries and frameworks, for compatibility with the new environment. This might involve updating to newer versions that are better suited for containerized deployments.
  • Test for Compatibility: Conduct extensive testing to identify any issues arising from the updates. This includes regression testing to ensure that application behavior remains consistent post-migration.
  • Leverage Configuration Management Tools: Tools like Ansible, Chef, or Puppet can automate the application of configuration changes, reducing the potential for human error and streamlining the update process.

By approaching the update and compatibility aspect of migration with diligence and strategic planning, organizations can significantly reduce the risk of post-migration issues, ensuring that their legacy systems not only function as expected in a containerized environment but also leverage the full benefits of modern infrastructure technologies.

Challenges with JDK Versions

During the migration of old Java applications to Docker, special attention should be paid to the use of JDK versions. Utilizing outdated JDK versions can lead to inefficient resource usage, thus it's advisable to select a JDK base image that is free from such issues. This might necessitate upgrading to a newer JDK version than what's currently in production, assuming all necessary security measures and patches are already applied in the production environment.

When updating the JDK, it's also crucial to consider the JDK vendor you're using. Oracle JDK comes with licensing costs and restrictions, whereas OpenJDK distributions from various vendors are offered without Oracle's licensing constraints. Significant upgrades, for instance from Java 8 to Java 10, Java 17, or even Java 21, require thorough regression testing and familiarization with migration documentation for used frameworks and libraries. Even patch-level updates might lead to compatibility issues due to changes in localization formatting or similar adjustments. Therefore, I would recommend pinning your Docker/OCI base image to a specific OpenJDK vendor and JDK patch level, for example, eclipse-temurin:21.0.2_13-jdk, rather than using tags like latest. Regular testing and updating of the image are essential for maintaining security, stability, and compatibility, whether you're using Docker, a virtual machine, or traditional deployment.

Challenges with Environment Configuration and Management

Configuring and managing the environment configuration presents one of the most complex tasks in containerization. In legacy Java applications, configuration can be scattered across the project. Applications following the Twelve-Factor App methodology derive their configuration from the environment and write logs to STDOUT and STDERR. Technically, it's possible to create a Docker/OCI image without adhering to these principles, but it hardly brings significant benefits if you're merely overlaying Docker on existing servers and deployment processes, except perhaps as an interim step. Even root certificates might change when transitioning to container orchestration solutions.

Java configuration can be located in various places, and legacy Java applications typically define specific environments, mostly hardcoded. Therefore, defining Docker as a new environment profile might be the simplest solution. Here are some common sources of configuration to consider:

  • System properties (often input at the command line with -D... arguments, often from a shell script)
  • Environment variables
  • Java *.properties files
  • XML files (e.g., Spring XML configuration)
  • Various other configuration formats (JSON, YAML, HOCON, TOML)
  • Configuration hardcoded in Java (search the codebase for things like "prod")
  • A database
  • Special configuration services, especially for sensitive data like passwords (e.g., Vault)
  • Java EE/Jakarta EE mechanisms for injecting configuration from heavyweight Java EE/Jakarta EE application servers like WebLogic, WebSphere, or JBoss (and if so, more challenges might await, as the application server may deploy multiple WAR or EAR files in a set)

Case Study: Dynamic Systems and OSGi Containers

In complex dynamic systems, such as applications using OSGi containers, dependencies and configurations are not only numerous but can dynamically change during runtime, complicating their identification and encapsulation into a static Docker image.

Consider a scenario where a development team faces the challenge of transitioning an application using OSGi containers for dynamic bundle loading to Docker. Successfully accomplishing this task required a detailed audit of all bundles, their versions, and dependencies, forming the basis for creating a Dockerfile. In this context, each bundle and its dependencies are akin to puzzle pieces that need to be meticulously assembled to ensure the application functions correctly in a containerized environment.

Facing Hidden System Elements

A development team of a large legacy project shared another vivid example. The containerization process, acting like a magnifying glass, exposed all those "hidden" elements of their system that previously seemed insignificant or were entirely invisible. One such discovery was that the address of an external notification service was hardcoded directly in the application code. This situation became a stumbling block on the path to creating a flexible and scalable architecture that developers aimed to build with Docker. One of the key ideas behind containerization is the ability to easily and quickly deploy applications in any environment, implying the need for flexible configuration management.

Considering this challenge, the developers decided to switch to using environment variables for managing configurations within Docker. This approach allowed them to extract critical configuration parameters from the application code and set them directly in the container environment. As a result, the notification service's address became easily configurable, significantly simplifying the application's update and scaling process.

Now, regardless of where this application is launched, developers can effortlessly adapt it to specific conditions by merely changing environment variable values.

Reduced Application Efficiency Is OK

Migrating to containers might impact the performance of your Java application. Initially, it may seem that distributing tasks across 4 containers on a server with 4 cores would quadruple performance. However, in reality, additional network traffic arises between these containers, replacing direct method calls in memory, which introduces some overhead.

Thus, containerization does not automatically guarantee an increase in efficiency. This is particularly true for large Java applications, where fine-tuning JVM memory management and garbage collection processes is crucial. In a containerized environment, these aspects might behave differently than in traditional deployment environments, requiring developers to put in extra effort towards optimization.

Nonetheless, the benefits of containerization, such as scalability, flexibility and support, significantly outweigh the initial performance challenges. It's important to simply be aware of potential limitations and prepare for them in advance, planning your application's migration accordingly.

Verification and Testing of Applications in a Containerized Environment

Without automated tests, verifying a new version of an application in Docker can become a real challenge. One solution is to adopt a hybrid approach, where part of the traffic is redirected to the containerized version running parallel to the classic deployment. This strategy allows for the comparison of the new version's behavior with that of other nodes, assessing successes and failures under real conditions.

Freelance or In-house Team for the Transition?

As we embarked on updating our legacy project to modern deployment standards and considered moving to Docker, a pertinent question arose: Should we, the development team focus on enhancing the project, dive deep into the nuances of containerization? This would mean temporarily pausing work on new features and improvements to grapple with a technology new to us.

Team discussions led to a consensus that migrating to Docker represents a specialized task that could be successfully outsourced to a qualified freelancer. This strategy would allow developers to continue focusing on the project's core functionalities without getting sidetracked by the migration process.

One of the developers shared insights, suggesting that instead of spending valuable time learning about Docker, its setup, and migration processes, this task could be entrusted to a freelancer with deep expertise in this area. This would enable the internal resources to be directed towards more productive activities, such as developing new features and improving existing functionalities of the project.

Engaging an external expert in the migration process not only saves time for the development team but also ensures a higher quality of migration execution. Freelancers, specializing in containerization, have typically encountered similar tasks before and know how to navigate common pitfalls.

It was noted during discussions that developers attempting to undertake the Docker transition on their own often have to simultaneously learn new technologies and address ongoing development tasks, inevitably leading to a decrease in overall productivity. In contrast, a Docker specialist can focus solely on the migration, meticulously work through the configuration, and ensure a seamless transition of all services and dependencies into the new environment.

Therefore, the team concluded that outsourcing the containerization task of the legacy project is the most logical and efficient solution. It frees up internal resources to concentrate on the project's key aspects while ensuring that the migration is conducted professionally, considering all nuances and specificities of Docker technology.


In summary, the foundational transition of a Java application to Docker is not an arduous task and does not necessitate a thorough overhaul of the application. The primary focus should be on configuration and environmental management through environment variables and on preparing an appropriate base image for the container. Further, embracing best practices for application testing and verification in the containerized setup can significantly smoothen the migration process. Adopting strategies such as the hybrid testing approach not only mitigates potential risks but also ensures that the application maintains its integrity and performance in the new environment. Ultimately, with careful planning and attention to detail, the benefits of containerization — including enhanced scalability, flexibility, and deployment efficiency — can be fully realized, paving the way for a more resilient and modernized application infrastructure.


Smooth Sailing: Migrating Legacy Java Projects to Docker

Smooth Sailing: Migrating Legacy Java Projects to Docker
Transforming Java legacy projects for Docker is not just about navigating technical intricacies; it's an opportunity to rethink and streamline your development process. Embracing Docker can revolutionize how legacy systems are deployed and managed, offering substantial benefits that make the effort worthwhile.

While this transition requires thoughtful consideration and a solid strategy, the journey to Docker integration can be smoother than one might expect. Despite encountering Docker's unique quirks, a strategic, well-organized approach not only mitigates potential obstacles but also opens the door to enhanced efficiency and scalability.

Streamlining Legacy Java Projects with Docker Containerization

Moving large Java legacy projects into Docker not only streamlines development, support, testing, deployment, and management but also simplifies the overall technological process. For Java projects, the transition to Docker encapsulates both ease and efficiency, ensuring the effort invested yields immediate benefits.

The cornerstone of containerization lies in its unification power. It transforms legacy projects into modern, manageable entities, thereby enhancing their appeal to potential contributors and simplifying maintenance and expansion.

Containerization shines in deployment versatility, allowing an application, regardless of its specific dependencies, to be seamlessly launched across various environments. This eradication of the "dependency snowball effect" signifies Docker's capability to encapsulate and standardize the application setup.

Moreover, Docker democratizes the development process by maintaining consistency across local, testing, and production stages, ensuring a unified operation across all phases.

Notably, containerization facilitates application updates and scaling, bypassing the traditional complexities and risks associated with significant modifications. This adaptability extends to resource efficiency, where Docker's lightweight nature offers substantial cost savings over traditional virtualization approaches.

By leveraging orchestration tools like Kubernetes, applications can achieve unprecedented scalability and resilience, further underscoring the strategic advantages of containerization in contemporary software development.

Deciding If Containerization Fits Your Project

Of course, weighing all pros and cons is essential. Deciding whether to containerize a specific project requires a comprehensive analysis of the system's current state, business objectives, and technical and operational requirements. Often, projects start their migration to Docker simply because it's somewhat "trendy."

Let’s explore the main factors to consider:

Current Issues and Limitations

  • Deployment Challenges. If the deployment process is cumbersome, error-prone, or excessively time-consuming, containerization can offer more efficient and reliable solutions.
  • Environment Inconsistency. Discrepancies between development, testing, and production environments underscore the need for containerization to achieve consistency.
  • Scalability and Resource Management. Difficulties with scaling and inefficient resource management can be addressed through containerization.

Business Goals and Requirements

  • Consider containerization for projects aimed at rapid growth or in need of flexible scaling.
  • Projects seeking to optimize CI/CD processes will also benefit from switching to Docker.

Technical Requirements and Architecture

  • Transitioning from virtual machines to Docker is typically smooth and simplifies the deployment strategy.
  • If a hosting change is forthcoming, containerization presents an optimal solution.

Project Specifics

  • For projects already utilizing or planning to switch to a microservices architecture, containerization is the ideal choice. This combination allows achieving high degrees of isolation and simplifies managing complex dependencies.
  • Projects with high demands for availability and security will find that containers, combined with orchestration tools, offer effective solutions for these challenges.

Are There Alternatives to Docker?

Docker can be likened to the Apple of the containerization world. It’s a convenient and "trendy" tool that is valued for its ease of use and intuitiveness. Developers have essentially "gotten hooked" on Docker, and it has become the de-facto standard in the world of containerization, although there are other tools and technologies available that are more cost-effective.

Essentially, Docker, like all similar tools, offers merely a user-friendly way to manage what is already built into Linux, namely LXC (Linux Containers). This means you can utilize utilities built into the OS, working with containers directly through the capabilities of the Linux kernel. This approach offers greater flexibility but requires more in-depth knowledge and effort to manage. Additionally, there are several tools similar to Docker, such as Podman. Podman is an open-source tool for working with container images. It provides a command-line utility with commands similar to Docker's, however, it doesn't require an additional service to operate and can function without root privileges.

Nonetheless, as we've already mentioned, Docker currently stands as the standard, and working with it is presently the preferred approach.

Containerization Process

Converting a Java application to Docker might seem simpler than expected, thanks to the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) workings. The primary task of "running the application in a container" doesn't necessitate significant modifications to the application itself because the JVM provides an abstraction from the physical or virtual machine it runs on. This is akin to moving the application to another physical server until there's a need to redesign the application to leverage container infrastructure benefits such as scalability.

Key Steps to Run a Java Application in Docker

  • Update Logging Configuration. Ensure application logs are directed to system.out, making them accessible via Docker tools.
  • Set Up Environment Variables. Confirm the application can accept settings through environment variables, allowing easy configuration changes when launching the container.
  • Prepare the Base Image. The container should start with a base image of the operating system compatible with what's used on your server. Most Java applications will work with standard Linux distributions. It's crucial to install Java and the application server in the image, along with the necessary configuration files.
  • Launch the Container with Environment Variables. When starting the container, pass the environment variables previously specified in property files or Tomcat context variables.

Nuances and Challenges in Containerization

Managing Multiple Instances and Session State

When transitioning an application from running as a single instance to requiring multiple instances in a Docker environment, developers and administrators may encounter several challenges. One significant issue arises when session states are stored locally within each instance. This local storage approach can lead to errors and data inconsistencies, as subsequent user requests might be processed by a different instance lacking access to the initial session state.

To mitigate these challenges, applications should be designed for statelessness or employ libraries such as Spring Session for managing session states across instances.

Statelessness implies that each application request is processed independently, without assumptions about previous user actions or requests. This concept is particularly critical in container deployments, where applications can be scaled horizontally by adding more instances (containers), allowing any available instance to handle user requests. If an application retains state between requests, it could result in data inconsistencies and handling issues, given that a subsequent request might be processed by a different instance without access to the stored state from a previous request.

For applications that inherently require state due to business logic or functional requirements, utilizing specific libraries to maintain state or sessions can provide a solution. Spring Session, for example, enables centralized session state management, sharing it across all application instances. It achieves this by persisting session data in an external storage solution accessible by all application instances. Developers can easily configure Spring Session to work with various storage options such as Redis, JDBC, and Hazelcast, ensuring a unified session management mechanism across the application.

Updates and Compatibility of Infrastructure Components During Legacy System Migration to Containerized Environments

The journey to containerization extends beyond merely transferring an existing application into a container. It often necessitates updating critical infrastructure components, such as application servers or JDK versions. It's crucial to meticulously analyze and apply configuration changes to ensure compatibility between old and new server versions.

This process involves a thorough examination of both the current infrastructure setup and the desired state post-migration. When updating, for instance, the JDK version, one must consider not just the immediate compatibility with the containerized environment but also the broader impact on the application's functionality and performance. Similarly, application servers might require configuration tweaks or even a version upgrade to operate efficiently within containers.

Ensuring smooth transition, developers and system administrators should:

  • Review and Update Dependencies: Assess all application dependencies, including libraries and frameworks, for compatibility with the new environment. This might involve updating to newer versions that are better suited for containerized deployments.
  • Test for Compatibility: Conduct extensive testing to identify any issues arising from the updates. This includes regression testing to ensure that application behavior remains consistent post-migration.
  • Leverage Configuration Management Tools: Tools like Ansible, Chef, or Puppet can automate the application of configuration changes, reducing the potential for human error and streamlining the update process.

By approaching the update and compatibility aspect of migration with diligence and strategic planning, organizations can significantly reduce the risk of post-migration issues, ensuring that their legacy systems not only function as expected in a containerized environment but also leverage the full benefits of modern infrastructure technologies.

Challenges with JDK Versions

During the migration of old Java applications to Docker, special attention should be paid to the use of JDK versions. Utilizing outdated JDK versions can lead to inefficient resource usage, thus it's advisable to select a JDK base image that is free from such issues. This might necessitate upgrading to a newer JDK version than what's currently in production, assuming all necessary security measures and patches are already applied in the production environment.

When updating the JDK, it's also crucial to consider the JDK vendor you're using. Oracle JDK comes with licensing costs and restrictions, whereas OpenJDK distributions from various vendors are offered without Oracle's licensing constraints. Significant upgrades, for instance from Java 8 to Java 10, Java 17, or even Java 21, require thorough regression testing and familiarization with migration documentation for used frameworks and libraries. Even patch-level updates might lead to compatibility issues due to changes in localization formatting or similar adjustments. Therefore, I would recommend pinning your Docker/OCI base image to a specific OpenJDK vendor and JDK patch level, for example, eclipse-temurin:21.0.2_13-jdk, rather than using tags like latest. Regular testing and updating of the image are essential for maintaining security, stability, and compatibility, whether you're using Docker, a virtual machine, or traditional deployment.

Challenges with Environment Configuration and Management

Configuring and managing the environment configuration presents one of the most complex tasks in containerization. In legacy Java applications, configuration can be scattered across the project. Applications following the Twelve-Factor App methodology derive their configuration from the environment and write logs to STDOUT and STDERR. Technically, it's possible to create a Docker/OCI image without adhering to these principles, but it hardly brings significant benefits if you're merely overlaying Docker on existing servers and deployment processes, except perhaps as an interim step. Even root certificates might change when transitioning to container orchestration solutions.

Java configuration can be located in various places, and legacy Java applications typically define specific environments, mostly hardcoded. Therefore, defining Docker as a new environment profile might be the simplest solution. Here are some common sources of configuration to consider:

  • System properties (often input at the command line with -D... arguments, often from a shell script)
  • Environment variables
  • Java *.properties files
  • XML files (e.g., Spring XML configuration)
  • Various other configuration formats (JSON, YAML, HOCON, TOML)
  • Configuration hardcoded in Java (search the codebase for things like "prod")
  • A database
  • Special configuration services, especially for sensitive data like passwords (e.g., Vault)
  • Java EE/Jakarta EE mechanisms for injecting configuration from heavyweight Java EE/Jakarta EE application servers like WebLogic, WebSphere, or JBoss (and if so, more challenges might await, as the application server may deploy multiple WAR or EAR files in a set)

Case Study: Dynamic Systems and OSGi Containers

In complex dynamic systems, such as applications using OSGi containers, dependencies and configurations are not only numerous but can dynamically change during runtime, complicating their identification and encapsulation into a static Docker image.

Consider a scenario where a development team faces the challenge of transitioning an application using OSGi containers for dynamic bundle loading to Docker. Successfully accomplishing this task required a detailed audit of all bundles, their versions, and dependencies, forming the basis for creating a Dockerfile. In this context, each bundle and its dependencies are akin to puzzle pieces that need to be meticulously assembled to ensure the application functions correctly in a containerized environment.

Facing Hidden System Elements

A development team of a large legacy project shared another vivid example. The containerization process, acting like a magnifying glass, exposed all those "hidden" elements of their system that previously seemed insignificant or were entirely invisible. One such discovery was that the address of an external notification service was hardcoded directly in the application code. This situation became a stumbling block on the path to creating a flexible and scalable architecture that developers aimed to build with Docker. One of the key ideas behind containerization is the ability to easily and quickly deploy applications in any environment, implying the need for flexible configuration management.

Considering this challenge, the developers decided to switch to using environment variables for managing configurations within Docker. This approach allowed them to extract critical configuration parameters from the application code and set them directly in the container environment. As a result, the notification service's address became easily configurable, significantly simplifying the application's update and scaling process.

Now, regardless of where this application is launched, developers can effortlessly adapt it to specific conditions by merely changing environment variable values.

Reduced Application Efficiency Is OK

Migrating to containers might impact the performance of your Java application. Initially, it may seem that distributing tasks across 4 containers on a server with 4 cores would quadruple performance. However, in reality, additional network traffic arises between these containers, replacing direct method calls in memory, which introduces some overhead.

Thus, containerization does not automatically guarantee an increase in efficiency. This is particularly true for large Java applications, where fine-tuning JVM memory management and garbage collection processes is crucial. In a containerized environment, these aspects might behave differently than in traditional deployment environments, requiring developers to put in extra effort towards optimization.

Nonetheless, the benefits of containerization, such as scalability, flexibility and support, significantly outweigh the initial performance challenges. It's important to simply be aware of potential limitations and prepare for them in advance, planning your application's migration accordingly.

Verification and Testing of Applications in a Containerized Environment

Without automated tests, verifying a new version of an application in Docker can become a real challenge. One solution is to adopt a hybrid approach, where part of the traffic is redirected to the containerized version running parallel to the classic deployment. This strategy allows for the comparison of the new version's behavior with that of other nodes, assessing successes and failures under real conditions.

Freelance or In-house Team for the Transition?

As we embarked on updating our legacy project to modern deployment standards and considered moving to Docker, a pertinent question arose: Should we, the development team focus on enhancing the project, dive deep into the nuances of containerization? This would mean temporarily pausing work on new features and improvements to grapple with a technology new to us.

Team discussions led to a consensus that migrating to Docker represents a specialized task that could be successfully outsourced to a qualified freelancer. This strategy would allow developers to continue focusing on the project's core functionalities without getting sidetracked by the migration process.

One of the developers shared insights, suggesting that instead of spending valuable time learning about Docker, its setup, and migration processes, this task could be entrusted to a freelancer with deep expertise in this area. This would enable the internal resources to be directed towards more productive activities, such as developing new features and improving existing functionalities of the project.

Engaging an external expert in the migration process not only saves time for the development team but also ensures a higher quality of migration execution. Freelancers, specializing in containerization, have typically encountered similar tasks before and know how to navigate common pitfalls.

It was noted during discussions that developers attempting to undertake the Docker transition on their own often have to simultaneously learn new technologies and address ongoing development tasks, inevitably leading to a decrease in overall productivity. In contrast, a Docker specialist can focus solely on the migration, meticulously work through the configuration, and ensure a seamless transition of all services and dependencies into the new environment.

Therefore, the team concluded that outsourcing the containerization task of the legacy project is the most logical and efficient solution. It frees up internal resources to concentrate on the project's key aspects while ensuring that the migration is conducted professionally, considering all nuances and specificities of Docker technology.


In summary, the foundational transition of a Java application to Docker is not an arduous task and does not necessitate a thorough overhaul of the application. The primary focus should be on configuration and environmental management through environment variables and on preparing an appropriate base image for the container. Further, embracing best practices for application testing and verification in the containerized setup can significantly smoothen the migration process. Adopting strategies such as the hybrid testing approach not only mitigates potential risks but also ensures that the application maintains its integrity and performance in the new environment. Ultimately, with careful planning and attention to detail, the benefits of containerization — including enhanced scalability, flexibility, and deployment efficiency — can be fully realized, paving the way for a more resilient and modernized application infrastructure.

About the Author

Dmytro Vezhnin is the CEO and Co-founder at, an interactive educational platform where people can learn Java programming language from scratch to Java Junior level.


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